Rest day, my ass, travel day to Perigueux in the run-up to the Pyrenees, the next stage goes from here to beautiful Pau. I’m looking forward to it, this is a beautiful route.
Read moreStage 09 – Nantua – Chambery (July 2)

I am in Chambery, don’t ask me how, but I am in Chambery and nothing else matters and the first week is over.
Read moreStage 8 – Dole – Station des Rousses (July 1)

WHAT A DAY, WHAT A MIRACLE. Yesterday I was still close to giving up, which I really meant seriously and today I drive like changed. Again over 2300 meters altitude, 2 alpine passes and 187km.
Read moreStage 7 – Troyes – Nuits-Saint-Georges (June 30)

I survived …
Read moreStage 6 – Vesoul – Troyes (June 29)

Meanwhile there was cycling in France, 225 km, 1900 meters of altitude and 10:30 hours I was on the road. But that expresses only the facts. The “alternative” facts are called rain, storm, wind force 6. That was a tough test today, that was really exhausting.
Read moreStage 5 – Vittel – La Planche des Belles Filles (June 28)

Now it gets serious, now begin the steep climbs and I confess, with 86 kg is not so easy, here is simply my strength / weight ratio too bad. If I speak of steep, that is then a few kilometers with 10-15% upwards, if there is then times a traverse with 4% comes, that is like otherwise straight ahead.
Read moreStage 4 – Mondorf Les Bains – Vittel (June 27)

If you can talk about easy, it was today. We had indeed again 206 km, 1480 meters of altitude (they just come together on this route) and about 4700 cal verputzt. But it was relatively flat and led us through scenic sections. Accordingly, the day was today rather unspectacular, if there had not been the morning.
Read moreStage 3 – Verviers – Longwy (June 26)

220 km, 2900 vertical meters and 5900 cal on the longest day I ever spent on the bike. That was really long.
Read moreStage 2 – Düsseldorf – Lüttich (25. Juni)
WIND, WIND, WIND, are the three words that describes this day. If someone wonders why in the area between Möchengladbach and Aachen are so incredibly many wind turbines, no whole park-like accumulations of it, stand around for power generation, should explore that times with the bicycle. But one after the other.
Read moreStage 1 – Prolog in Düsseldorf (June 24)

The adventure started today, Saturday, June 24, in Düsseldorf. So exactly one week before the start of the professionals.
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