Storm, rain, heavy winds and cold is not exactly my training weather. Time flies and there are only 4 weeks until the tour. At least the weather is finally getting better, although rain is predicted again.

Liege in meinem Plan etwas zurück, bin aber dennoch zuversichtlich mit den verbleibenden intensiven Einheiten noch in Form zu kommen. Zumal ich mich in den Trainings ganz gut fühle und merke, da steckt schon noch einiges in mir. Die lahme Ente – so fühlte ich mich im April – ist nun weg geflogen. Das schöne ist, ich fühle mich richtig gut auf dem Rad.
Das Hinterland des Bodensee ist auf der deutschen Seite ein kleines Paradies für Rennradler. Wegen den Obstplantagen und dem Weinbau gibt es viele kleine asphaltierte Straßen abseits der Verkehrsverbindungen. Hier begegnet einem kein Auto, kein Motorrad – fast wie in den Pyrenäen. Allerdings muss man sich in Acht nehmen, dass man nicht plötzlich hinter einer Kurve einem Monster gegenübersteht. Inzwischen haben die Traktoren Dimensionen angenommen, die man zurecht so bezeichnen kann. Aber so als Obstbauer braucht man offensichtlich so ein großes Ding.
Mit den Jahren kenne ich natürlich alle möglichen kleinen Strassen und zusammenhängenden Strecken in der Umgebung, die mich abseits des Verkehrs führen. Und staune immer noch und freue mich über die wunderschönen abgelegenen Landschaften, die meist nur einen Katzensprung vom Bodenseetourismus entfernt sind …

… and of course for refreshment all inns and beer gardens. Here is probably the MOST BEAUTIFUL BEERGARDEN with spectacular views of Lake Constance and the Alps.

Lessons from the Tour de Force 2017
4 weeks before, it is again to review the last tour and learn from the lessons.
Clothing – Although it was supposed to be a warm time at the end of June, beginning of July, it had extremely thermal distortions, a week of rain, for which I was not quite prepared. Others had put spare clothes in small bags in the cars, called “day bags”, to fall back on at the planned “food stops”.
In retrospect, I often had too little clothing with me. The pros get extra clothes from the car on such long distances. We could put Day Bags in the cars in the morning and fall back on them at the food stops. So:
always have rain clothes with you
have small backpacks with spare clothes ready
in the Alps long pants, gloves and thick windbreaker
still 2 new cycling shorts, the pads have just also their life span. I remember the 230 km from Eymet to Pau, when I could no longer sit the last 30 km and almost standing drove and lost the connection, the cycling shorts were simply soggy. In the hotel, however, it landed immediately in the trash.
Food – My big issue, food. I can spare me all the sags and limp phases with a proper nutrition plan, I had simply often eaten too little. This was partly due to the “English” catering at the food stops, but I had also taken too little replacement food, bars, gels, etc. with me. Also for this the Day Bags are suitable to fall back on enough additional food. In the end, it’s no wonder when the Garmin gives me a daily requirement of 4’500 – 6’800 kcal.
Road bike – New chain, cables, bearings, steering checked, new tires and brake pads mounted.
I had 4 defects on the 3’500km of the 2017 tour. I guess I couldn’t prevent the slashed tires in Provence, but the 3 others were just small pinpricks in the tires. Some rode with tubeless tires filled with puncture milk and got through just fine. I would also like to do that. Only, if then but the tire is defective, who sticks me then on the road a new one, which should also dry out 24h. Unfortunately, we don’t have the luxury of such a mechanic crew. But, thanks to Youtube, I found an INSTRUCTION, you can also fill in Clincher tires, so with jacket and tube, puncture mild, which immediately seal small defects.

A fantastic road bike, light, stiff, fast and fits, as if made for me.
The next 4 weeks so further in the plan and on occasions (weather) still drive large endurance rounds, because I’m still missing. For this it goes over to the Allgäu and over the Pfänder to Bregenz. But the weather looks just again not so great …
Austrian Radio reports there are still well skiing conditions in the mountains